时间:2025年1月4日启动, 持续1个半月
地点:Residence Inn By Marriott Anaheim Brea
主办:NACSHR Chuhai.tips
1月4日,NACSHR (北美华人HR协会) 将在洛杉矶隆重举办 2025洛杉矶华人HR论坛。这是南加州地区华人HR行业的一次盛会,不仅旨在搭建一个学习、分享和交流的平台,更承载着赋能华人职业发展的使命。
此次论坛将邀请南加州地区最优秀的华人HR专业人士齐聚一堂,探讨最新的HR趋势与实践,共话在北美职场中的发展经验与挑战。同时,我们特别策划了一个 洛杉矶HR岗位专场招聘活动,以实际行动支持更多华人在职场上找到属于自己的舞台。
点击链接 https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/284371D0-0BB9-258F-DA2E-159D4DD34AF3,提交HR岗位信息。
招聘特别福利:如果您的企业正在洛杉矶地区招聘HR人才,论坛为您提供一个展示岗位的绝佳机会——我们将设置4个现场招聘展示名额 5分钟,并通过线上推广扩大您的招聘影响力。
点击链接报名或发布岗位信息: https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/284371D0-0BB9-258F-DA2E-159D4DD34AF3
附录 2025北美华人人力资源洛杉矶论坛 信息:
2025 North American Chinese HR Forum - Los Angeles
时间:2025年1月4日周六 9:30-17:00 (8点30分开始签到)
地点:Residence Inn By Marriott Anaheim Brea (180 S State College Blvd , Brea, California, USA, 92821)
会议费用:150美元/人 12月25日前 现场门票200美元/人
移民专家庞飞律师(Law Offices of Fei Pang)将作为赞助商亮相本次1月份北美华人人力资源洛杉矶论坛,并带来重量级分享——《出海企业调配员工的常见签证类型及绿卡方式》。
关于庞飞律师(Fei Pang, Founder and Managing attorney of Law Offices of Fei Pang.)
庞飞律师是洛杉矶庞飞律师事务所(Law Offices of Fei Pang)主任,美国移民律师协会会员。庞飞律师现担任美国华人联合总会监事长,以及美中广东商会、温州旅美同乡会、洛杉矶温州商会及美国浙江经贸文化联合会等多家侨团的法律顾问。2017年7月,庞飞律师被中国国务院侨务办公室授予“第十一届世界华裔杰出青年”称号。2019年11月,庞飞律师被中国侨联任命为第四届中国侨联青年委员。
庞律师从事移民领域多年,在EB-1杰出人才、EB2高等学位或特殊才能专业人才、EB3技术劳工、EB5投资移民、L1跨国公司工作签证、H1B工作签证、O1杰出人才工作签证的申请有丰富的工作经验。 另外,还处理上千宗婚姻绿卡、公民入籍、E2签证和F1学生签证的成功案例。目前律所还担任多家中资企业在美国的常年法律顾问,擅长处理欺诈、合同、知识产权及劳工等商业纠纷的诉讼和仲裁、及复杂民商事诉讼。律所还在企业出海、跨境电商、跨境物流、国际贸易、涉美遗嘱信托、财产规划和离婚监护取得显著成果。凭借多年的实战经验和专业知识,为客户提供高效、全面的法律解决方案,致力于满足客户的多样化需求。
Fei Pang, Esq. is the managing attorney of the Law Offices of Fei Pang in Los Angeles and a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. He currently serves as the Supervisor-General of the Chinese American Federation and as legal counsel for various organizations, including the US-China Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, US Wenzhou Association, Wenzhou Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, and US Zhejiang Commerce and Culture Association. In July 2017, he was honored with the title of "11th Outstanding Chinese Youth in the World" by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China. In November 2019, he was appointed as a member of the 4th Youth Committee of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese.
Attorney Pang has extensive experience in the immigration field, specializing in applications for EB-1 (Extraordinary Ability), EB-2 (Advanced Degree or Exceptional Ability Professionals), EB-3 (Skilled Workers), EB-5 (Investor Immigration), L1 (Intra-Company Transferee Work Visa), H1B (Specialty Occupation Work Visa), and O1 (Extraordinary Ability Work Visa). He has also successfully handled thousands of cases related to marriage-based green cards, naturalization, E2 visas, and F1 student visas.
The law firm also serves as a long-term legal counsel for multiple Chinese enterprises operating in the United States. It excels in handling business disputes involving fraud, contracts, intellectual property, and labor issues through litigation and arbitration, as well as complex civil and commercial litigation. Additionally, the firm has achieved remarkable results in areas such as corporate globalization, cross-border e-commerce, international logistics, international trade, U.S. wills and trusts, estate planning, and divorce and custody matters. With years of practical experience and professional expertise, the firm provides clients with efficient and comprehensive legal solutions, striving to meet their diverse needs.
关于庞飞律师事务所 (Law Offices of Fei Pang)
庞飞律师事务所由美国华人联合总会监事长庞飞律师创办,总部位于美国加州洛杉矶阿卡迪亚,并在尔湾和中国广州、北京等地设有办事处。事务所拥有一支强大律师团队,服务范围涵盖商业、移民和家庭法务,对跨境电商贸易、跨境婚姻、家族信托、财富传承等问题有丰富经验,并专精各类疑难复杂案件。我们的律师团队具备在美、中两国从事法律服务的丰富经验,且能够提供多种语言服务。了解更多信息,欢迎访问 www.panglawyer.com
Law Offices of Fei Pang was founded by Attorney Fei Pang, Supervisory Chairman of the Chinese American Federation. Our boutique law offices are centrally located in the city of Arcadia in Los Angeles County, with satellite offices in the city of Irvine located in Orange County, California, and international offices in the cities of Guangzhou and Beijing, China. We have a strong team of lawyers, handling Business, Immigration, and Civil Law, who also have experience in Cross-Border E-Commerce Trade, Cross-Border Marriage, Trusts & Estates, Wealth Inheritance and specialize in various complex cases. We offer a multilingual staff to accommodate clients in multiple languages.
2025北美华人人力资源洛杉矶论坛(2025 North American Chinese HR Forum - Los Angeles)
时间:2025年1月4日周六 9:30-16:30
地点:Residence Inn By Marriott Anaheim Brea 180 S State College Blvd, Brea, CA 92821
Annie Huang (Marketing&Cooperation)
邮箱:nacshr818@gmail.com 微信:hrtechoverseas
Stay Together Stay Powerful
2025 North American Chinese HR Forum - Los Angeles
时间:2025年1月4日周六 9:30-17:00 (8点30分开始签到)
地点:Residence Inn By Marriott Anaheim Brea (180 S State College Blvd , Brea, California, USA, 92821)
会议费用:150美元/人 12月25日前 现场门票200美元/人
会议期间提供咖啡和茶等 注:午餐需自理,届时各小组自行组队 (不含会议午餐)
参展赞助与合作: Annie annie@nacshr.org
同时2025年NACSHR 活动计划和NACSHR年度合作伙伴计划也已经推出,欢迎索取加强合作
参与分享演讲:(仅限 inhouse HR)
Gavin nacshr818@gmail.com
嘉宾申请链接: https://www.nacshr.org/1732.html
The North American Chinese HR Forum will be held in Los Angeles on January 4, 2025, tailored specifically for Chinese HR professionals in the U.S. This forum will focus on multiple core topics in human resource management, ranging from talent acquisition, organizational development, and compensation & benefits to diversity and inclusion, HR technology, and more. It will comprehensively explore the unique challenges and opportunities faced by Chinese HR professionals in the workplace.
In response to the strong demand from Chinese HR professionals in Southern California, this Los Angeles forum is specially organized, inviting HR peers from SoCal to participate actively!
As a member of the Chinese HR community, you will have the opportunity to engage directly with top professionals from various fields, expand your network, and bring fresh perspectives to your career development. Additionally, the forum warmly welcomes partnerships from HR service providers, legal advisors, recruitment firms, and other specialized partners to interact with attendees and discuss the latest trends and innovative solutions in the Chinese HR market.
We look forward to your participation as we work together to build a high-quality exchange platform for advancing the Chinese HR field in North America!
Stay Together Stay Powerful
Register now to secure your spot and explore the endless possibilities in human resources!
2025 North American Chinese HR Forum - Los Angeles
Date: Saturday, January 4, 2025, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Location: Residence Inn By Marriott Anaheim Brea (180 S State College Blvd , Brea, California, USA, 92821)
Registration Link: https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/D1098614-EA75-67CF-6B55-7DEA34FC1C4F
Registration Fees:$150 per person if paid by December 25th, $200 per person for on-site tickets
Note: Coffee and tea will be provided during the forum. Lunch is self-arranged, with groups forming to organize meals. Lunch is not included in the event.
公务舱(Business Class):8% off
明珠经济舱(PremiumEconomy):6% off
经济舱(Economy Class):6% off
2024 NACSHR Annual Conference
时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00 周六上午8点半签到)
地点: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North 一楼会议室 (32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587 )
几个机场SFO\SJC\OAK 到酒店距离差不多.
赞助合作伙伴:Law Office of Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law
会议日程 DAY1 DAY2
PS: 周五4号晚上、周六5号晚上8点半 在酒店泳池大堂举行自由交流酒会,欢迎自由参加
会议午餐:自理 活动期间会组成不同小组,可结伴前往 Union Landing 广场 5分钟路程(I-880, Union City, CA 94587)
Workshop :Power Beyond Title and Presence
2024 NACSHR Annual Conference
时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00)
地点: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City)
费用:400美元/人 优惠票 (10月4日前)
晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模)
合作伙伴:Law Office of Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law、虚位以待
注:不含会议午餐和参访期间交通 (付款方式及报名后的注意事项:https://www.nacshr.org/2022.html)
参会其他注意事项 (更详尽事宜访问网站,以网站为准):
视频和摄影 参加 NACSHR 即表示您同意由官方展会摄影师和摄像师拍摄您的形象。由此产生的材料,包括静态照片、视频和音频记录,NACSHV 可以在新闻材料、宣传材料、网站和其他宣传渠道中不受限制地使用。与会嘉宾可以使用智能手机拍照和捕捉数字图像,仅限于个人、非商业用途,且摄影活动不得造成干扰。在会议进行时,与会嘉宾可以在座位上拍照,条件是不得站在媒体区域、阻挡其他人视线或使用闪光灯。照片不得以任何方式出售、复制、传播、分发或用于任何商业目的。
直播和录制会议 虽然 NACSHR 会录制和拍摄各种会议活动,这些活动主要是为了现场观众的利益。尽管我们实行“禁止直播和录制”的政策,但我们理解与会者希望通过手机捕捉照片和视频,并在社交网络上分享的愿望。为了保护发言者和会议内容的版权,与会嘉宾不得直播会议,并且同意录制任何单场会议的连续视频不得超过 60 秒。
NACSHR Forum Attendee Guidelines
1. Safety and Emergency Procedures
Emergency Exits and Safety Routes: Locate emergency exits and familiarize yourself with the nearest safety routes upon arrival.
Emergency Response: Remain calm and follow the directions of staff in case of an emergency.
Health Safety: Adhere to all health and safety guidelines set by the venue, including the use of masks and sanitizers as required.
2. Registration and Identification
Pre-registration: Ensure smooth entry by completing online registration and identity verification in advance.
Badge Display: Wear your conference badge at all times for access and visibility during the event.
3. Code of Conduct
Respect and Professionalism: Maintain respect for all participants, speakers, and staff. Harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate behavior will result in expulsion from the venue.
Intellectual Property: Respect intellectual property rights; do not record or disseminate presentation content or materials without permission.
Cyber Security: Exercise caution when using venue Wi-Fi, especially when accessing sensitive or critical information.
4. Photography and Recording
Personal Use: Non-commercial photography and video recording should not disrupt the event or other attendees’ experience.
No Live Broadcasting: Live broadcasting of any session is prohibited without explicit permission from the organizers.
5. Facility Use
Cleanliness: Keep the venue clean; dispose of trash in designated receptacles.
Equipment Care: Use conference facilities and equipment responsibly; damages may be subject to compensation.
6. Communication and Networking
Engagement: Participate actively in discussions and networking opportunities to enhance your professional connections.
Cultural Sensitivity: With diverse backgrounds among attendees, display cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness.
7. Intellectual Property and Confidentiality
Confidentiality Obligations: Confidential information and unpublished data discussed at the forum must not be disclosed without authorization.
Material Distribution: Conference materials are for session use only and should not be copied or distributed without consent.
8. Legal Compliance and Ethical Standards
Local Laws: Comply with all applicable local laws, including antitrust laws and fair competition.
Ethical Behavior: Encourage high standards of professional ethics, characterized by honesty, fairness, and responsibility.
9. Anti-Harassment Policy
Harassment-Free Environment: Commit to a harassment-free environment; all complaints will be taken seriously to ensure the rights and privacy of victims.
10. Complaints and Feedback Mechanism
Feedback Channels: Establish clear channels for complaints and feedback during and post-event.
Rapid Response Team: Have a rapid response team available during the event to handle any emergencies or urgent needs from attendees.
11. Property Security
Personal Belongings: Attendees are advised to keep personal belongings secure as the organizers are not liable for loss or damage.
Facility Equipment: Unauthorized use or relocation of venue facilities and equipment is prohibited.
12. Prohibition of Political and Religious Advocacy
Neutral Policy: The forum is a platform for professional and business exchanges; any form of political or religious advocacy is prohibited.
【重磅】北美地区最大的华人人力资源盛会-2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会10月硅谷举办,日程嘉宾发布2024 NACSHR Annual Conference -The Largest Chinese HR event in North America
Stay Together Stay Powerful
2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会 2024 NACSHR Annual Conference
时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00)
地点: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City)
(32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587)
费用:400美元/人 (10月4 日前报名支付) 现场门票:500美元/人
晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模)
合作伙伴:Law Office of Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law、虚位以待
注:不含会议午餐和参访期间交通 (付款方式及报名后的注意事项:https://www.nacshr.org/2022.html)
·北美HR招聘平台: https://www.nacshr.org/job
Annie annie@nacshr.org
参与分享演讲:(仅限 inhouse HR)
Gavin nacshr818@gmail.com
嘉宾申请链接: https://www.nacshr.org/1732.html
The Largest Chinese HR event in North America, —the 2024 North American Chinese HR Conference — will be held in Silicon Valley this October. We warmly invite you to join us!
Since its inception in 2016, the North American Chinese Society of Human Resources (NACSHR) has been dedicated to creating an exceptional platform for Chinese HR professionals and executive elites to connect and exchange ideas. Over the years, the NACSHR Annual Summit has grown into one of the most influential HR events in North America, attracting numerous industry leaders and HR experts.
In 2024, the NACSHR Annual Summit will be upgraded to the North American Chinese HR Conference, featuring a larger scale, richer content, more diverse formats, and more professional topics. We sincerely invite you to join us in participating and creating this grand event!
This October in Silicon Valley, we will once again welcome Chinese HR professionals and practitioners from around the world to gather together, continuing our tradition of success. The upcoming conference will include professional panel discussions, practical workshops, keynote speeches from industry leaders, annual awards, company visits, gala dinners, and other diverse networking activities. These sessions are designed not only to provide the latest industry knowledge and trends but also to offer attendees valuable opportunities to engage closely with top professionals and build or strengthen connections with peers.
Stay Together Stay Powerful
The NACSHR 2024 Conference is not just a venue for learning and networking; it is also a source of inspiration and ideas, serving as a bridge for Chinese HR colleagues to embark on new career chapters. We look forward to seeing Chinese HR professionals from around the globe come together to explore and shape the future trends of human resources.
Join us at the NACSHR 2024 Conference to share in the exchange of ideas and the touching of hearts. We eagerly anticipate your participation in witnessing the exciting moments of this HR grand event!
2024 North American Chinese HR Conference
Date: October 5-6, Saturday-Sunday (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
Location: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City )
(32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union CityCA 94587)
Registration: https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/418189BC-FF9F-D9B7-B7F8-8E5980AAFFA1
Fee: $300 per person for early bird tickets (before September 1)
Why Attend the NACSHR Event?
Gain Insights from Industry Experts:
Our speakers include successful entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and top talent strategy experts. With deep knowledge of both the Chinese and North American HR markets, they are eager to share their perspectives and experiences, ensuring you gain valuable insights from the best in the field.
Learn New Knowledge and Stay Updated:
Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the field, updating your knowledge base is a perpetual endeavor. The summit features various session formats to provide industry updates and practical career insights. Exclusive shares from industry experts will help you broaden your horizons and enhance your competitiveness.
Discover New Career Opportunities:
NACSHR highlights HR job opportunities in North America, offering a unique chance for face-to-face networking. Informal networking sessions facilitate deeper connections, paving the way for your career success.
Participate in North America's Largest Chinese HR Industry Event:
Focused on elite Chinese HR professionals in North America, the event brings together the strength of Chinese professionals in the workplace. Featuring top entrepreneurs, innovators, and industry pioneers, NACSHR stands as the largest and only Chinese HR event in North America.
Exchange New Information and Build Partnerships:
Explore industry hot topics, stimulate innovative thinking, and collectively drive the HR industry forward. Use the event to connect with fellow Chinese HR professionals in North America and expand your personal network.
Inspire New Career Thinking and Achieve Breakthroughs:
Discuss how Chinese managers can achieve their career development goals. With dedicated discussion sessions, engage with speakers, industry experts, and peers to explore ways to realize your potential in the American workplace.
Nenuca Syquia:硅谷百位最具影响力女性之一将亲临华人人力资源年度峰会,教你如何掌握职场“隐形力量”!
硅谷百位最具影响力女性之一、加利福尼亚州“年度商业咨询CEO”得主 Nenuca Syquia 将于今年十月出席硅谷华人人力资源年度峰会,并发表主题分享「Power Beyond Title and Presence」,探讨如何在职场中发展和运用个人力量。
Nenuca Syquia 将在演讲中分享:
在本次峰会中,Nenuca 将引导与会者深入理解权力的真正含义,分析权力的不同来源,识别自身拥有的权力类型及需要扩展的部分,并帮助大家制定个性化的影响力策略。
关于演讲嘉宾:Nenuca Syquia
Nenuca Syquia 是 Better Organizations by Design (BOxD) 的首席执行官兼创始人,这是一家致力于将客户业务中的人力资源与战略目标相结合的咨询公司。BOxD 提供广泛的服务,包括组织设计、团队辅导、领导力发展、多元化与包容性(DEI)、变革管理及业务整合。Nenuca 称这种综合方法为“融合变革层次”,以此提高变革成功的可能性,无论是在组织、团队还是领导层级。
Nenuca 拥有跨行业的丰富经验,从跨国企业如赛诺菲、谷歌到旧金山芭蕾舞团及家族企业,她成功地帮助各种规模和生命周期的企业完成转型。作为一位企业家、全球团队领导者和移民,她对多种挑战有着切身的体会。
Nenuca 的演讲通俗易懂、非常接地气。届时她将新的概念与当前趋势、客户故事及个人经验相结合,为观众带来生动而富有启发的体验。此次峰会上,Nenuca 将帮助与会者学会如何发掘和增强个人的力量,为自身和组织创造更大的价值。不要错过这次与 Nenuca 交流和学习的机会!
2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会 2024 NACSHR Annual Conference
时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00)
地点: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City) (32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587)
Title: Power Beyond Title and Presence
When we conjure up images of powerful people, those likely include high-ranking executives and members of illustrious boards. Their choices shape the lives of their employees, customers, and even communities.
If you’re not already one of those powerful people but aspire to, where do you even begin? What do you do when power has historically been held by a group of people who are nothing like you? How do you get others to recognize and value what you bring to the table?
Here’s some good news:
Power isn’t innate or something you’re born with. It can be developed.
Power isn’t an ambiguous concept. It can be broken down into specifics which you can master.
It isn’t binary in that you either have it or you don’t. You can learn to flex your power depending on the situation.
In this session, you will:
Understand what power actually is
Parse apart the different sources of power
Identify what kind of power you have, and what kind you need to expand
Develop your own custom strategy for influence
Nenuca's bio:
Nenuca Syquia is the CEO and Founder of Better Organizations by Design (BOxD), a consulting firm dedicated to aligning the people side of client's businesses with their strategy and goals. The firm offers services in organization design, team coaching, executive and leader development, DEI, change and integration. If you're thinking, "That's quite the breadth of services!" You are right, and that is 100% by design. Nenuca refers to this as "tying together the layers of change," which increases the odds of successful change, whether it is primarily at the organization, team or leader levels.
Having transformed businesses large and small, across industries, and at different parts in their lifecycle - from Sanofi to The San Francisco Ballet and Google to family-owned businesses - Nenuca has seen almost everything. As an entrepreneur, leader of a global team, and immigrant, she can relate to a wide variety of challenges firsthand.
As a regular speaker at conferences, webinars and podcasts, Nenuca is known for making complex topics accessible and actionable. She introduces new concepts and blends them with examples from the zeitgeist, clients' stories, and her own personal life to create an engaging and informative experience.
Nenuca holds a Masters of Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University and a Masters of Science in Organizational Development from the University of San Francisco. She has been recognized as one of Silicon Valley Business Journal's 100 Most Influential Women and by CEO Monthly as Business Consulting CEO of the Year for California. Outside of BOxD, she serves as the Co-Chair of the Silicon Valley Chapter of 50/50 (an established nationwide organization dedicated to achieving gender equity on corporate boards) and as a City Commissioner for the city of Sunnyvale, CA, advising on equity-related issues.
NACSHR图谱VIP服务权益:优惠 2000美元/年 3600美元/2年 (原价3000美元/年 )
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2、如果已经登记,请直接发邮件到 nacshr818@gmail.com 告知贵司信息即可
时间不等人,市场也不等人! 每一分每一秒,您的竞争对手可能已经抢占了更多客户资源,而您正好可以反其道而行之!抓住这一黄金机会,加入NACSHR图谱,不仅是一个展示的起点,更是迈向无限潜力的开端。
你还可以先免费加入,点击即可参与登记! https://www.nacshr.org/map/Register/join
North American Chinese Society of Human Resource, (known as NACSHR)
北美华人人力资源服务图谱(NACSHR Landscape)汇聚来自加拿大、美国、墨西哥等北美地区的顶尖华人人力资源服务机构,全面覆盖企业所需的各类HR服务。作为北美企业人力资源服务采购的权威指南,NACSHR图谱不仅是企业挑选优质服务伙伴的必备工具,更是服务机构展示品牌实力、拓展北美市场的绝佳平台。
NACSHR图谱最新版本下载地址: https://www.nacshr.org/map/Index/download/
Why Join the North American HR Procurement Guide (NACSHR Landscape) Certification Program?
In today’s highly competitive North American HR services market, how can you stand out and earn the trust of more businesses? Joining the NACSHR Landscape Certification Program is your fastest path to becoming an industry leader and expanding your market rapidly!
The NACSHR Landscape is the authoritative guide for Chinese HR services in North America, covering Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. It connects businesses with top-notch HR service providers. As a symbol of industry influence, the NACSHR Landscape gathers the best HR service agencies in North America, offering businesses a reliable resource to find quality partners. By becoming certified, your brand will become part of this trusted guide, gaining visibility and enhanced reputation.
Why You Must Join
A Symbol of Authority
In the North American Chinese HR services industry, being recommended as a professional brand signifies not only recognition of your expertise but also serves as a crucial tool for market expansion and trust-building. Certification places your brand among the industry leaders, making it a top choice for potential clients.
Exclusive Exposure Opportunities
The NACSHR Landscape is more than a service directory; it’s a powerful platform offering multi-channel, multi-tiered promotion for Chinese HR service agencies. With every brand showcase and industry event, your organization will be in the spotlight, exponentially increasing its value.
Seize Market Opportunities
In a rapidly evolving North American market, businesses’ demands for HR services are growing. Certification ensures that your services reach the right business clients first, securing their trust and business loyalty.
Targeted Audience Coverage
The NACSHR certification program not only elevates your brand’s image but also attracts substantial attention from potential clients.
Your brand will reach North America’s Chinese management elites and HR decision-makers through platforms like the NACSHR website, WeChat groups, Xiaohongshu, and LinkedIn. Leveraging NACSHR’s comprehensive communication network, your influence will expand beyond local markets to multinational corporations and high-potential clients.
NACSHR Landscape VIP Service Benefits
Discounted Rates: $2,000/year or $3,600/2 years (original price: $3,000/year)
Priority Logo Display: Prominent placement on the NACSHR Landscape (logos prioritized over text-only names).
Web-Based Premium Listing: Highlighted category placement with logos and badges.
Exclusive Promotion: Featured in NACSHR weekly EDMs and website sidebar ads.
Event Benefits: Priority and discounted participation in NACSHR activities.
Client Connection: Priority matching with business client needs.
How to Apply for Certification
Register Your Company Information: https://www.nacshr.org/map/Register/join
If already registered, email your company information to nacshr818@gmail.com
Reach the Right Audience
The NACSHR Landscape reaches users and members across North America, ensuring your brand is widely promoted through WeChat groups, Xiaohongshu, websites, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms.
Act Now to Gain a Competitive Edge!
Time waits for no one, and neither does the market! Every moment counts as your competitors gain more clients. Take the opposite approach—seize this golden opportunity to join the NACSHR Landscape. It’s not just a platform for showcasing your services but also the beginning of infinite potential.
Becoming part of the NACSHR Landscape is the ultimate opportunity to enhance your brand and expand your market. Act now to become a trusted HR service provider for businesses across North America. Don’t wait for the market to be saturated; now is the time to gain a first-mover advantage and elevate your industry position!
Apply for certification now and make your brand a benchmark in the North American HR services industry, sharing honor and opportunities with top peers!
You can even start by joining for free. Click here to register: https://www.nacshr.org/map/Register/join
North American Chinese Society of Human Resources (NACSHR)
About NACSHR Landscape
The NACSHR Landscape brings together top Chinese HR service providers from Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, offering comprehensive HR solutions for businesses. As the authoritative guide for HR services procurement in North America, it’s an essential tool for businesses seeking premium service partners and an excellent platform for HR service providers to showcase their expertise and expand their reach.
Through extensive, multi-channel promotion, the NACSHR Landscape precisely targets North America’s Chinese management elites, serving as a valuable resource for businesses entering or expanding in the North American market. Whether for local growth or global expansion, the NACSHR Landscape helps you stay ahead and win the market. By joining the NACSHR Landscape, your brand will stand alongside the best HR service providers in North America, leading the future of the industry!
Download the latest NACSHR Landscape version here: https://www.nacshr.org/map/Index/download
Visit the NACSHR Procurement Guide Official Website: https://www.nacshr.org/map