• Talent Retention
    8个人力资源分析示例和实际用例 数据是强大人力资源战略的基石。这里有8个人力资源分析示例可以帮助您入门。 任何公司的最大目标之一就是利用员工的力量来改善他们的业务。人力资源分析旨在做到这一点。它可以帮助您收集和分析所有 HR 数据,准确显示您需要改进的地方。您如何使用此工具将取决于您的业务和目标。 以下是您需要了解的所有信息,以及一些人力资源分析示例,这些示例将使您从一开始就走上正确的道路。 什么是人力资源分析? 人力资源分析是收集、分析和报告 HR 数据的过程,以改善业务成果并就您的员工做出明智的决策。它包括与您的人力资源相关的所有数据,包括招聘时间、提高效率时间、保留率、敬业度等。 一些公司还使用人员分析和劳动力分析这两个术语。这些是相似的概念,但它们并不完全相同。顾名思义,人员分析处理与人员相关的数据。这可能代表员工,但也可能代表着公司以外的人,包括客户。 劳动力分析严格处理与劳动力相关的数据。员工、自由职业者、零工,甚至顾问都属于这一类。 所有类型的分析都有类似的目标:帮助企业对其员工和业务流程做出基于数据的决策。 如何使用人力资源分析 人力资源分析的成功秘诀不唯一。这完全取决于您的目标和策略。以下是帮助您走上正确道路的几个步骤。 1.定义你的目标。不要忘记让它们变得SMART——具体(S)、可衡量(M)、可实现(A)、相关(R)和有时限(T)。目标定义得越好,就越容易通过人力资源分析取得成功。 2.收集准确的数据。为了拥有数据而收集数据是没有意义的。选择符合您的目标、准确且最新的数据。您可以使用内部和外部资源、自动化工具或手动收集。 3.选择用于数据分析的工具。分析数据是人力资源分析的核心,但对于大多数企业来说,手动分析将是一项不可能完成的任务。选择一种易于与您的系统集成的工具,并帮助您加快和自动化流程。 4.数据分析。根据您的目标,您可以使用一种或几种类型的分析。选项包括: 预测分析,指导您预测未来与人力资源相关的结果。 规范性分析,帮助您了解实现特定目标所需的步骤。 诊断分析,可帮助您了解发生某些事情的原因。 描述性分析,提供历史趋势的摘要,以帮助您更好地了解当前趋势。 鼓励数据驱动的决策。如果您在决策过程中不使用数据,人力资源分析很快就会成为资源浪费。让数据成为您所有流程的一部分,从招聘到薪酬和绩效评估。 8个人力资源分析示例 有很多使用人力资源分析的方法。无论您选择预测性分析还是规范性分析,人力资源分析都可以通过多种方式为您提供帮助。 人力资源分析中的预测分析示例 预测性人力资源分析使用统计数据和历史数据来帮助您预测未来趋势。这里有几个例子。 1.员工流失率预测。了解什么可能促使员工辞职以及何时可能发生,这对任何企业都至关重要。通过人力资源分析,您可以了解哪些因素会影响这些决策,以便您可以利用数据并提高员工保留率。 2.绩效预测。在尝试创建程序以提高绩效时,您需要清楚地了解是什么驱使某人成为最佳绩效者。通过预测性HR分析,您可以了解您的计划成功的可能性,并创建能够产生真正影响的独家计划。 3.继任计划。要制定强有力的继任计划计划,您必须确定最有可能成为优秀领导者的员工。预测分析可以指导您进行选择过程,并帮助您创建成功的计划。 4.成功招聘。预测候选人是否会在某个职位上取得成功可以帮助您获得更好的人才。加强招聘流程可以提高绩效并加快生产力。 人力资源规范性分析示例 规范性分析使预测分析更进一步。预测分析向您展示了可能发生的情况。规范性分析可帮助您找出可以做些什么。这里有四个例子。 1.留住人才策略。了解员工何时以及为什么可能辞职是件好事,但如果您不想失去顶尖人才,就不能止步于此。规范性分析可以向您展示可以吸引员工的具体保留策略。 2.招聘策略。人才招聘是一个关键过程。这不仅是因为它的成本,还因为整个公司的成功都取决于它。规范性分析可以帮助您找到吸引顶尖人才、提高录取率等策略。 3.多元化和包容性举措。DE&I 不仅仅是一个流行语。这应该是每家公司的首要任务。使用规范性分析将指导您根据您今天所处的位置选择最佳的 DE&I 计划。 4.内部流动策略。员工喜欢与为他们提供横向和垂直流动机会的公司合作。通过规范性分析,您可以发现内部流动、指导等最有效的策略。 要衡量的人力资源分析指标 人力资源指标对于评估公司内任何计划的成功至关重要。它们会向你展示某件事的运作情况,它们是发现负面趋势的好方法。以下是要跟踪的四个人力资源分析指标。 雇佣时间。填补(或雇用)的时间是衡量您的人才招聘计划效果的绝佳指标。填补职位所需的时间越多,浪费的资源就越多,招聘计划就越无效。 员工流失率。此指标评估留存策略的成功与否。在使用预测性人力资源分析时,它特别有价值。它可以帮助您分析预测的正确性并相应地调整您的流程。 晋升和内部流动率。跟踪公司内部的垂直和横向移动速率。数字越高,您的继任计划和内部流动策略就越好。当员工可以晋升到新职位时,这表明您拥有健康的人才管道和大量的发展机会。 多样性和包容性指标。您可能已经猜到了,但这些指标向您展示了 DE&I 计划的成功。除了人力资源分析外,它们还可以帮助您创建更具包容性的文化,让每个人都感到受欢迎并拥有平等的机会。 使用人力资源分析的公司示例 了解好处以及如何使用人力资源分析是一回事。但是在实践中看到它总是比仅仅通过理论要好。让我们来看看一些成功实施人力资源分析的公司。 1. eBay 全球商务公司 eBay 使用人力资源分析和洞察力的一种方式是做出数据驱动的决策,以改善员工体验。Scott Judd,人员分析与技术高级总监分享道:“在许多方面,员工是任何公司拥有的最重要的资产,你需要数据来了解如何帮助他们留在你的公司并帮助他们进步。分析是利用数据推动这些讨论的好方法,并帮助让员工的未来更加激动人心,让客户的未来更加美好。” 通过在整个员工生命周期中使用人力资源分析,eBay 可以发现提高员工保留率的新方法,例如晋升、薪酬变化和职业发展规划。 2. Providence Providence使用人力资源分析来改进招聘策略。在紧张的劳动力市场中,他们的团队能够利用洞察力准确预测职位空缺,并主动招聘合适的人才,以确保他们在正确的时间让合适的人担任合适的职位,最终为公司节省了 300 万美元。 通过集中人员和业务数据,Providence获得了强大、易于理解的见解,企业领导者可以使用这些见解来做出影响劳动力和底线的明智招聘决策。 3. Protective Life Protective Life 使用人力资源分析来预测员工流动率,以减缓辞职速度,衡量 DE&I 进展,并让HR以外的企业领导者参与进来。人力资源分析与人力资源信息系统副总裁马修·汉密尔顿(Matthew Hamilton)说道:“将数据交到领导者手中并使数据民主化非常重要。很多变化发生在一线或中层经理级别。因此,将相关见解掌握在他们手中非常重要,这样他们就可以使用数据并最终利用这些变革杠杆来改善员工体验、增加工作多样性、提升人才水平和提高获取能力。” 通过使用 HR 分析并将人员洞察直接交到领导者手中,Protective Life能够为关键决策者提供影响业务绩效所需的见解。 Source VISIER
    Talent Retention
  • Talent Retention
    The Power of Employeeship and its Direct Impact on Company's Results After The Great Resignation in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic and the huge wave of Baby-boomers retirement, pressure was put on companies. Till now, the war of talent is still ongoing in the time on the edge of various crisis. Company centered strategy is shifting to people centered. What should we do? The war for Talent is something that many companies around the globe have faced over more than two decades. This phenomenon coined by Steven Hankin of McKinsey & Company in 1997 is still ongoing, more challenging than ever. It simply refers to an increasingly competitive landscape for recruiting and retaining talented employees. The Great Resignation in addition is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs in early 2021 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the most cited reasons for resigning include wage stagnation is the long-lasting job dissatisfaction. Here we could also add depopulation in some Western countries, big gap between demand and supply in critical competencies and huge wave of Baby-boomers retirement, big uncertainty in the world with conflicts and energy crisis, all of that indeed put the pressure on companies to Re-think the People strategy. So, the million question is which driving factor is the most important enabler for companies to attract and retain people? There is no general recipe and no copy-paste strategy. Instead, look deeper into your people analytics, needs and behaviours. You will find the answer BUT I would dare to emphasize that psychological safety is taking more and more place among employees as the most critical one. By empowering Employeeship with psychological safety in the ground companies can gain both in terms of individual but also team performance. Research and survey are showing that innovation as a competitive advantage is possible if a company has people with high motivation and strong feeling of belonging. How could the way to empowered Employeeship look like: "Empowered Employeeship leads to usage of full potential a company possess in its people" 1. Create a Culture of Care where people feel comfortable to admit, share and learn from failures. Companies need to have strong leadership commitment and empower its employees to bring even difficult topics to the table and discuss. Care from psychological perspective includes continues learning and development in all aspects. Care is very much about listening and understanding, supporting and coaching in the way that opens up for new ways of thinking and managing things. 2. Develop a Culture where ownership and responsibility in the organization is strong linked to each and one of the employees. If the employee is rather a partner than a subordinate than the individual contribution and feeling of personal value will be higher. This employee will give a company more value back because it will feel respected, acknowledged and empowered. This in turn will even strengthen company´s leaders and most probably lead the company to a higher maturity level. The better people the better business. At the end, all business problems are people problems. Therefore make your people accountable, responsible and put the hat of ownership on top of their heads. Just to mention, Employeeship is a philosophy adopted notably in Sweden where the hierarchy is abandoned. And it gives great companies, brands and results! 3. When having 1 and 2 in place then the most natural part is to work further with Inclusion. You can also say that companies need to develop a Sense of Coherence where three parts are important: a) the employee needs to feel included in an environment that is understandable and purposeful; b) the employee needs to have resources and conditions that makes the work possible and manageable; and c) the work that the person is expected to deliver and perform need to be part of the bigger picture and the employee needs to understand that. Just sitting in front of the computer day in and day out, delivering for example drawings of calculations will not give meaning long term. But if you put these deliveries into the bigger context by showing where this piece of a puzzle is and how it is connected to other pieces will most probably lead to higher satisfaction and retention rates, loyalty, performance and for certain create strong attractiveness as well. Empowered Employeeship leads to usage of full potential a company possess in its people. We all have individual responsibility to contribute to a culture where other people feel comfortable. Just start with yourself and how you would like to be treated. Clear direction from top management and strong commitment from all employees will make this journey possible. SOURCE ManageHR
    Talent Retention
  • Talent Retention
    驾驭寒冬:为员工敬业度下降做好准备" "Forrester 预测 2024 年员工体验的寒流将来临 Forrester 的一位专家表示,公司“总体上对员工体验不太感兴趣”,因此很容易成为削减成本或偷工减料的目标。 在大流行导致的人才短缺期间,在投资改善员工体验后,雇主普遍都在缩减开支,这可能会影响员工对工作的感受以及雇主的底线。 Forrester在其《2024 年预测:工作的未来》报告中发现,员工体验将在 2024 年退居二线,从而导致他们所谓的“EX 冬天”。(2023 年,员工和雇主的工作场所都充满了挑战。不幸的是,我们在 2024 年看到了更多同样的情况——员工体验 (EX) 全面衰退,雇主们不再关注这一点。EX 的商业案例仍然比以往任何时候都强大,但许多领导者仍然难以倾听员工的意见并将他们的担忧付诸行动。到 2024 年,我们还将看到人工智能在工作场所的崛起,其中对生成式人工智能的投资激增。在 EX 减少和 AI 增加的环境中提高生产力将是一个核心挑战。) Forrester 未来工作团队副总裁兼首席分析师 JP Gownder 表示,公司“总体上对员工体验不太感兴趣”,因此很容易成为削减成本或偷工减料的目标。提高参与度、生产力和最终增长的战略正在被取消。 例如,Forrester 指出,从 2022 年到 2023 年,表示为内部 DEI 职能提供资金的雇主数量从受访者的三分之一下降到 27%;该公司预计,到 2024 年底,这一比例将进一步下降至 20%。他表示,一些公司将默认勾选一个复选框,表示他们已实现 DEI 目标,而不是真正为对员工产生影响的 DEI 计划提供资金。 高德尔说,原因之一是劳动力市场不再那么紧张。“通常,当员工流失较多或工作进展不顺利而无法留住人才时,雇主会投资于员工体验,”他说,就像“大辞职”期间的情况一样。 现在情况已不再是这样了。当公司“不那么迫切地想留住人才时,他们通常会在人才方面松开油门”。 Forrester 发现,他们可能会花钱,但可能不会以正确的方式花钱:66% 从事软件工作的技术决策者表示,他们将在 2024 年增加对 EX/人力资本管理软件的投资,但这些投资不会充分利用他们的优势。相反,Forrester 预测这些投资将提高人力资源职能的效率,而不是改善 EX 成果。 员工体验的冬天将继续冻住员工 Forrester 表示,2022 年至 2023 年间,员工敬业度已经出现下滑,并将在 2024 年继续下滑。 2022 年至 2023 年间,美国员工敬业度从 48% 下降至 44%,文化能量从 69% 下降至 66%。Forrester 预测,到 2024 年,这些数字将分别下降至 39% 和 64%。 Gownder 表示,员工敬业度作为员工体验的衡量标准“对于生产力、创造力以及激发人们工作中的大部分兴趣和动力至关重要”。“如果你失去了这一点,那么人们就没有全力以赴,也没有充分利用他们的工作。” 他说,这损害了公司的整体利益。“当你取消对员工体验的投资,然后重新削减成本,并将员工仅仅视为资源而不是有价值的合作伙伴时,你的组织就会发现敬业度下降,因此其他事情也会下降。” Forrester表示,从2022年到2023年,员工参与度已经大幅下降,并将在2024年继续下降。 从2022年到2023年,美国的员工参与度从48%下降到44%,文化活力从69%下降到66%。Forrester预测,到2024年,这些数字将分别下降到39%和64%。 在别人盲目跟随时保持独立思考 Gownder补充说,并非所有都失去了。通过反其道而行之,保持积极的投入,可以避免EX的冬天。这意味着要真正投入与员工的互动,而不是削减成本或依赖于虚假的检查清单。 他说:“员工体验论断指出,投资于员工,在以人为中心的体验中提高参与度,降低流失率,提高生产力,也会让客户更加满意,因为快乐的员工会带来快乐的客户。” 他说,对于那些将继续投资于员工体验的公司,他们还应该衡量和理解员工对这些投资的感受。“这两件事往往是相辅相成的。” 而听力部分常常被抛在后面。Forrester 在报告中发现,只有 31% 的业务和技术专业人士认为改善员工体验是首要任务,同时也认为收集员工反馈是他们为提升员工体验而采取的一项关键行动。Forrester 预计到 2024 年这一比例将增至 34%。 原文访问:https://www.hrdive.com/news/is-an-employee-experience-winter-coming/701428/
    Talent Retention
  • Talent Retention
    How to Strategically Plan a Budget for HR in 2024 The article discusses strategies for planning an HR budget for 2024, emphasizing the need for advanced HR technology and digital tools to enhance employee experience. It highlights the importance of focusing on talent retention due to high attrition rates in Asia and adapting to changes in the workforce market. The article stresses compliance with labor law changes and the need for a data-driven approach to budgeting. It outlines key budget components, including recruitment, training, salaries, HR technology, and employee well-being, to ensure a comprehensive plan for organizational growth and success. As companies brace themselves for 2024, many HR teams are busy preparing comprehensive budgets for the coming year. Fortunately, with a host of cutting-edge HR technology and digital tools available, companies can plan a budget with more resources at their fingertips to better plan for the year ahead, significantly enhancing the overall employee experience. In terms of a direction for 2024, companies are encouraged to channel more efforts towards talent retention, given the high attrition rates across Asia. In an effort to further empower their workforce and improve organisational culture, having the right HR tech is also a crucial consideration. On that note, let’s look at how to create your 2024 HR budget and what to include in it. What’s Most Important in Your 2024 Budget Plan Keeping up with recent advancements for your workforce: Understand how the talent market in 2023 will differ from 2024’s and plan for your manpower accordingly. Consider if there has been a new shift towards or an increased use of AI tools to enhance both employee experience and candidate experience. According to analytics and advisory company Gallup, higher employee engagement translates to increased profitability – 23% more, according to their research. Compare the workforce flexibility levels in your company with that of the overall job market – bearing in mind that there is a greater inclination towards a more flexible workforce, in terms of temporary and contract vs. permanent staffing. Consider any increase in costs due to inflation, as salary (and potentially benefit) increments will have to be made accordingly. A greater focus on talent retention: To be able to maintain a robust and healthy workforce means to prioritise talent retention. With high employee attrition rates and talent retention being a top HR challenge in 2023, a key focus for businesses should be on how to retain their workforce better in 2024. After conducting a thorough review internally, consider looking into programmes, practices and systems that can improve employee satisfaction, provide stronger employee assistance programmes and support, as well as streamline the overall HR experience for your employees. Remaining compliant with labour law changes: Given that 2023 has been a year with many labour law developments across various countries in APAC – such as Malaysia’s massive overhaul of its Employment Act and Singapore’s introduction of the COMPASS framework for Employment Pass applications – it is highly crucial for companies to remain compliant with upcoming labour law changes in all locations, particularly those with a presence in multiple countries. Compliance can come in the form of adhering to minimum wage hikes, new tax brackets, increased number of leave, and so on – all of which can incur additional costs and would need to be accounted for in the HR budget. Additionally, remaining compliant with labour laws ensures there are minimal legal and financial repercussions, leading to a more prudent budget. How Do You Prepare an HR Budget? When you plan a budget for HR, some crucial pointers to have in mind when listing down what to include are: Building a Strategy for Smart Expansion: Consider your company’s expansion plans for 2024 – if any. Coming up with a solid plan if you want to expand in 2024 is crucial, and you can consider a low-cost and minimal-risk option such as an employer of record. According to an article by Yahoo! Finance, in 2023, the worldwide EOR market reached a value of USD 1890.29 million and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.07% over the forecast period, ultimately reaching USD 3745.43 million by 2030. For companies with multiple locations, when revising the budget, HR will look at which locations are now more mature and stable compared to last year to allocate the budget more evenly. Investing in The Right Software and HR Tech: Get acquainted with the latest AI trends in hiring and find out how the right tools can enhance your journey of finding the right people to join your workforce. Integration Options for Different Business Sizes: Speaking of knowing what works for your company size, if you’re a regional company, you’d likely work with a payroll outsourcing provider to streamline your regional payroll. Revisit your current service to see if its integration capabilities are still suited to your business – depending on if your headcount has been expanded or downsized recently. A Data-Driven 2024 budget: A budget that is tailored heavily based on data allows for better foresight, less errors and allows you to make better informed decisions for your businesses. A report by McKinsey Global Institute shows that data-driven organisations are likely to be 19 times more profitable, and 6 times more likely to retain those customers. You can use data from previous budgets to get insights on what to do differently this time.   What are the must-haves in your HR budget? If you’re wondering what a complete 2024 budget should entail, the following list can serve as a general checklist of what to cover: Recruitment and hiring Hiring Agency / Job advertisements Employee assistance programmes Interviews, screening candidates and background checks HCM software management Onboarding procedures Employee relocations Recruitment marketing Talent retention Outplacement Services (if required) Visas and work permits Training and development Employee Certifications Trainer/expert/consultant fees Addressing skills gaps Learning systems Salaries and other benefits Employee salaries Overtime pay Payroll system management and maintenance Insurance & healthcare Other statutory contributions Retirement plans Paid time off Employee bonuses HR Technology HR Information Systems Payroll Outsourcing Systems and Integration costs HR Vendor HR Team Upskilling HR Certifications Workshop and Training budgets for HR team Diversity and Inclusion Increase in diversity hiring Implementation of inclusive hiring practices Employee safety and well-being Employee health Security at work Physical and mental employee well-being Others Employee/employer appraisals and surveys Upkeep of recreational areas in the office Company trips Fitness facilities Safety trainings Some resources to use when you plan a budget for HR: Having a wealth of handy information can help you plan a budget more efficiently. If you’re looking for resources on the latest HR developments across idea, here are a few you might want to look at. Resources Guide to Hiring in Asia – A compilation of in-depth guides for various countries across Asia on how to compliantly hire employees in each country. APAC Labour Law Insider – Quarterly updates on HR legislations across 17 locations in Asia. China Labour Law Updates – Monthly updates on China’s labour laws. Labour Law and Compliance Workshop Webinars – Complimentary webinars on labour law updates across various locations in Asia. Templates and Checklists HR Onboarding Checklist Template Payroll Request For Payroll Template (RFP) Template Handover List Template Layoff Planning Checklist China Personal Information Protection Law HR Compliance Checklist Out of Office Message Template In conclusion, having an HR budget is essential for companies as it provides a structured financial plan to effectively manage and optimise their most valuable asset – their workforce. It ensures that resources are allocated for hiring, training, and retaining employees, ultimately contributing to organisational success and growth. Looking for a HR provider that can offer you HR outsourcing, advisory and HR tech services? At Links, we look forward to providing you with complete HR solutions to drive your organisation. Contact us today for more information!
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