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    Valoir 报告显示 HR 尚未准备好迎接 AI,你呢? 研究显示,人力资源管理领导者面临的主要问题包括缺少 AI 相关的专业知识以及面临的风险和合规性问题。 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿--Valoir 发布的一项全球新报告显示,尽管 AI 驱动的自动化似乎无法避免,但人力资源部门似乎并未做好准备。这项涵盖超过150位人力资源执行官的调查揭示了利用 AI 的巨大机会,但同时也显示出在制定政策、实施实践和进行培训方面普遍存在不足,以便安全有效地将 AI 技术应用于人力资源管理。 “虽然许多机构开始采用生成式 AI,但很少有组织建立必要的政策、准则和保障措施。作为员工数据的保护者和公司政策的制定者,人力资源领导者需要在 AI 的政策和培训方面走在前列,不仅为自己的团队,也为广大员工群体做好准备。” 以下内容需要特别注意: “AI 正在快速融入人力资源管理领域,特别是在招聘、人才发展和劳动力管理等方面。然而,引入 AI 也伴随着诸如数据泄露、误解、偏见和不当内容等风险,”Valoir 的首席执行官 Rebecca Wettemann 表示。“面对这些挑战并采取措施减少风险的人力资源部门,可以显著提升其从 AI 中获得的益处。” 人力资源的自动化与战略转型潜力 报告指出,有35%的人力资源部门员工的日常工作非常适合自动化处理。在所有人力资源管理活动中,招聘环节最有潜力应用 AI 技术,并且已成为采纳率最高的领域,近四分之一的组织已经开始利用 AI 支持的招聘流程。人才发展、劳动力管理以及培训和发展同样被视为 AI 自动化的关键领域。 生成式 AI 正在加速人力资源部门的生产力提升及风险增加 尽管到2023年中旬,超过三分之四的人力资源领域工作者已经尝试使用过某种形式的生成式 AI,但仅有16%的组织制定了关于使用生成式 AI 的具体政策。而且,真正关于其伦理使用的政策数量更是寥寥无几。人力资源领导者认为,缺乏 AI 相关技能和专业知识是采纳 AI 的最大障碍,但只有14%的组织制定了有效的 AI 使用培训政策。这些政策对于确保所有员工都能充分利用 AI 带来的好处并最小化风险是至关重要的。 “尽管生成式 AI 正被广泛采纳,但几乎没有哪些组织建立了必要的政策、准则和保护措施。作为员工数据的守护者和公司政策的制定者,人力资源领导者必须在 AI 政策和培训方面先行一步,这不仅是为了他们自己的团队,也是为了整个员工群体的利益,”Wettemann 表示。 报告的关键知识点: Integration Challenges: HR faces challenges in managing AI use due to lack of policies, practices, and training. Early Adoption vs. Preparedness: While HR has been an early adopter of AI, most organizations still lack the proper frameworks for safe and effective AI adoption. Rapid Product Release: Post-Chat GPT announcement, HR software vendors have rapidly released generative AI products with varying capabilities. AI’s Double-Edged Sword: AI offers great benefits but also poses risks of "accidents" due to immature technology, inadequate policies, and lack of training. AI Experimentation and Automation Opportunity: Over three-quarters of HR workers have experimented with generative AI. 35% of HR tasks could potentially be automated by AI. Current AI Utilization: The main opportunities for HR benefits from AI are in recruiting, learning and development, and talent management, with recruiting leading in AI adoption. Adoption Barriers: Main hurdles include lack of AI expertise (28%), fear of compliance and risk (23%), and lack of resources (21%). Policy and Training Deficiencies: Only 16% of organizations have policies on generative AI use, and less than 16% have training policies for AI usage. Risk Areas in AI: Data compromises, AI hallucinations, bias and toxicity, and recommendation bias are identified as primary risks. Future Plans for AI: Over 50% of organizations plan to apply AI in recruiting, talent management, and training within the next 24 months. Least Likely AI Adoption: Benefits management has the lowest likelihood of current or future AI adoption due to data sensitivity concerns. AI Skills and Expertise: The significant gap in AI skills and expertise impacts the adoption and effective use of AI in HR. HR’s Role in AI Adoption: HR needs to develop policies, provide training, and ensure ethical AI use aligning with organizational principles. Recommendations for HR: Suggestions include experimenting with generative AI, developing ethical AI usage policies, creating role-specific AI training, and identifying employee groups at risk from AI automation.
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    How to Build Your HR Technology Stack for 2024 In the AI age, you should use HR technology to ensure seamless integration and compatibility with your overall HR strategy for 2024. These are what Beqom is aiming for. Jan.17,2024 As organizations navigate the complexities of the evolving workforce in 2024, the strategic use of technology in Human Resources (HR) has become critical. This blog explores the crucial role of HR systems to deliver on corporate objectives, automate and streamline processes, improve the employee user experience, and reduce the administrative burden on HR. We also take a look at essential criteria for HR when evaluating technology solutions and delve into the nuanced landscape of trying to rely on HR suites versus a best-of-breed approach. What is an HR tech stack? The term "HR tech stack" refers to the comprehensive suite of tools and software applications that HR professionals use to manage various aspects of human resources. Just as a chef carefully selects and organizes different ingredients and methods to create a masterpiece, HR leaders curate and integrate diverse solutions to optimize HR processes, enhance employee engagement, and contribute strategically to business success. An HR tech stack typically includes a combination of software for recruitment, onboarding, performance management, learning and development, employee engagement, compensation management, and more. These tools work synergistically to streamline HR workflows, drive efficiency, and enable data-driven decision-making. The selection of tools depends on the unique needs and objectives of the organization, reflecting its high-level philosophy for HR technology adoption. The evolution of HR tech stack in modern businesses The journey of HR tech stacks has undergone a significant evolution in tandem with the changing of the modern workplace. In the early stages, HR systems primarily focused on automating administrative tasks and maintaining employee records. However, as organizations recognized the strategic importance of HR in achieving business objectives, the HR tech stack evolved into a dynamic ecosystem designed to address complex challenges and leverage opportunities. Key phases in the evolution have included: Automation of administrative tasks Early 2000s: The initial phase saw the adoption of HR information systems (HRIS) to automate routine administrative tasks, such as payroll processing and time tracking. Basic Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) emerged to simplify recruitment processes. Introduction of integrated suites Mid-2000s to early 2010s: Integrated HR suites gained prominence, offering a unified platform for various HR functions. These suites aimed to streamline processes and enhance data consistency by providing a centralized platform for HR activities. Focus on employee experience and engagement Late 2010s: With the increasing emphasis on the employee experience, HR tech stacks expanded to include tools for talent management (recruiting, onboarding, learning, etc.), compensation and benefits, performance management, and employee engagement. Mobile applications and self-service portals became integral to fostering a positive workplace culture. Rise of specialized best-of-breed solutions Present day: The current phase witnesses a shift towards specialized best-of-breed software. Businesses are recognizing the value of choosing tools that excel in specific HR functions, providing depth and flexibility in their HR tech stacks, while delivering an improved employee experience. Significance of the evolution The evolution of HR tech stacks mirrors the broader transformation in HR's role—from a predominantly administrative function to a strategic partner driving company success. Modern HR tech stacks are not just about automation; they represent a strategic investment in technologies that empower HR professionals to make informed decisions, enhance employee engagement, and contribute meaningfully to achieving business objectives. Crafting a high-level philosophy for HR technology As organizations embark on the journey of leveraging technology in their Human Resources (HR) functions in 2024, it's helpful first to establish a high-level philosophy to guide your choices. As with most business decisions, it’s best to start with the "why" and articulate the overarching goals HR seeks to achieve for the company. Aim for strategic alignment Why do it? Your high-level systems philosophy must align seamlessly with the organization's overall strategic objectives. HR digital solutions should not be implemented in isolation but as a strategic enabler, contributing to the achievement of broader business goals like diversity, profit margin, market share, and so on. How to do it. HR leaders should collaboratively engage with organizational leadership to understand key business objectives and challenges. The technology philosophy should then be crafted to align with and support these goals. Enhance the employee experience Why do it? A key focus of HR technology should be on enhancing the overall employee experience. By delivering value to employees, providing user-friendly interfaces, fostering collaboration, and enabling self-service capabilities, HR can create an environment where employees thrive. How to do it. Conducting regular employee feedback surveys, analyzing pain points in HR processes, and understanding employee needs will inform the technology approach. The goal is to implement solutions that make work more meaningful and enjoyable for employees. Drive efficiency and agility Why do it? HR technology should be a catalyst for operational efficiency and agility. By automating repetitive tasks, streamlining workflows, and providing real-time insights, HR contributes to the organization's ability to adapt swiftly to changing market dynamics. How to do it. Assessing current HR processes, identifying bottlenecks, and evaluating the capability and adaptability of existing systems will guide the decision-making process. The aim is to implement an HR platform that not only addresses current needs but also scales as the organization evolves. Enable data-driven decision-making Why do it? A high-level philosophy should emphasize the importance of leveraging data for informed decision-making. HR technology should provide the tools and analytics necessary to transform raw data into actionable insights, empowering HR professionals to make strategic decisions. How to do it. Assessing the company's data maturity, identifying critical HR metrics, and understanding the capabilities of offerings in the market to support strategic decision-making at all levels will guide the choice of technology that aligns with this philosophy. Cultivate a culture of continuous improvement Why do it? The philosophy behind HR technology should embrace a culture of continuous improvement. Solutions should not be static but evolve to meet changing organizational needs, staying abreast of industry trends and workplace regulations, and driving innovation. How to do it. Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of existing technology, staying informed about emerging HR tech trends, and fostering a culture of innovation within the HR team contribute to a philosophy that embraces ongoing improvement. In essence, the high-level philosophy behind the HR tech stack should be a strategic roadmap, guiding the business towards success. It is the articulation of what HR aims to achieve and why technology is a critical enabler in achieving those objectives. Crafting this philosophy involves aligning with corporate goals, prioritizing employees, driving efficiency and agility, leveraging data, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. As companies embark on the transformative journey of HR technology adoption, a well-defined and thoughtfully considered high-level philosophy will serve as the North Star, ensuring that technology becomes a powerful ally in achieving organizational excellence. The growing importance of technology in HR As Josh Bersin has framed it, we are now entering a post industrial economy. The industrial revolution over the last 150 years has created massive amounts of automation and productivity-enhancing advancements. The result is that employees no longer are just replaceable commodities, needed for menial tasks. They are more skilled and specialized than ever before, and that trend is only going to continue with the blossoming of artificial intelligence. Now, says Bersin, “every company is in the people business.”  HR is more important than ever, and the HR tech stack plays a key role in shaping today’s high performing organization in many ways, including: Efficiency and productivity In the fast-paced business environment of 2024, efficiency is key. Technology enables HR professionals to automate repetitive tasks and streamline complex processes. Whether in recruiting (resume screening, scheduling interviews, managing employee records), compensation (salary planning, merit increases, pay equity) or performance management (goal-setting, collecting feedback, performance reviews)—to name a few examples—the use of technology not only saves time but also allows HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives that contribute to the overall productivity of the organization. Data-driven decision-making Technology provides HR with tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data, and to make predictions. This data-driven approach enables HR professionals to make informed decisions regarding talent acquisition, employee engagement, compensation strategy, and workforce planning. Harnessing the power of workforce analytics can lead to more effective strategies and better outcomes for the business. Remote work and collaboration With the rise of remote work, HR technology facilitates seamless collaboration between dispersed teams. Virtual onboarding processes, digital communication tools, feedback platforms, self-service tools, and remotely administered systems are among the essential components that enable HR to adapt to the changing dynamics of the modern workplace. Impact of technology on different areas of HR Virtually every aspect of HR can be improved and accelerated through the use of digital solutions. It is up to HR leaders to determine what areas can have the most impact on the organization’s success and prioritize accordingly. Recruitment and talent acquisition Technology streamlines the recruitment process by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) for resume screening and predictive analytics for identifying top talent. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) automate the hiring pipeline, reducing time-to-fill and ensuring a more efficient recruitment process. Learning and development HR software facilitates personalized learning experiences through e-learning platforms and Learning Management Systems (LMS). This not only enhances employee skills but also ensures that training programs align with organizational goals and industry trends. Compensation management and pay equity Technology can play a pivotal role in transforming compensation management, which is a critical core function. These solutions empower HR professionals to create transparent pay structures, conduct market analysis, design flexible compensation strategies, support data-driven pay decisions at all levels, and administer rewards efficiently. Advanced pay equity tools can ensure ongoing fair pay and legal compliance. Collaboration and coaching Integrated collaboration platforms facilitate seamless communication among dispersed teams, enhancing the employee experience and contributing to increased productivity. Support for manager coaching takes collaboration one step further and aids in employee-manager alignment. Goal-setting and tracking Software provides automation for setting and tracking individual and team goals, speeding up the cascading of high level goals throughout the organization, fostering real-time evaluation and progress tracking, and promoting a more dynamic performance management process. Continuous feedback and recognition Automated feedback and recognition tools contribute to a positive workplace culture by ensuring timely acknowledgment of employee achievements, fostering a sense of appreciation and motivation, as well as supporting continuous improvement. 360-degree feedback Performance management tools enable the automation of 360-degree feedback processes, providing a holistic view of employee performance from various perspectives within the enterprise. Performance appraisal and calibration Automation in performance appraisal processes, including calibration features, ensures consistency and fairness in evaluating employee performance across the organization, and saves enormous amounts of time. Impact on the business, employees, and HR staff HR technology has something to benefit everyone in the organization. Business impact Implementing HR technology positively affects the bottom line. Improved efficiency, better talent management, and data-driven decision-making contribute to overall business success. The adaptability of HR tech to changing market demands ensures that businesses stay competitive and agile, and attract and retain needed talent. Employee experience From recruitment to retirement, HR technology enhances the employee experience. Self-service portals, mobile applications, and digital communication tools empower employees, providing them with the tools they need to thrive in the workplace. This, in turn, contributes to a positive workplace culture, motivation, productivity, and loyalty. HR department and staff HR professionals benefit from technology by automating administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on strategic HR functions. Access to real-time data also equips HR staff with the insights needed to make informed decisions. This shift from transactional to strategic roles enhances the value HR brings to the organization. Risks of not embracing technology in HR Conversely, failure to keep up with the advances in HR technology can put your company at a competitive disadvantage. Organizations that fail to embrace HR digital solutions risk falling behind competitors who leverage these tools for strategic advantage. The ability to attract and retain top talent often hinges on the adoption of modern HR practices and technology. Employees want to work for a company with efficient processes, and increasingly, for companies that practice transparency and workplace equity. Manual processes are prone to errors and inefficiencies, both of which are costly. Without the aid of technology, HR departments may struggle with accuracy in record-keeping, compliance issues, and inefficient workflows, hindering the overall effectiveness of HR operations. Building a tech stack for HR So how to best approach technology adoption for HR? Assess organizational needs. Before implementing an HR solution, HR executives should conduct a thorough assessment of the organization's needs. Understanding specific pain points, goals, and desired outcomes is essential for choosing the right solutions. What are the company’s objectives and what would be needed to accomplish them? Identify critical areas. These are areas where you can gain the most strategic benefit, and where you therefore do not want to compromise on functionality. What is mission critical, what is core to realizing your strategy and achieving your goals? In other words, what is most worthy of investment? Consider integration and scalability. A well-rounded tech stack should be easily integrable with existing systems and scalable to accommodate future growth. Seamless integration ensures data consistency and avoids silos, while scalability future-proofs the technology against evolving organizational needs. Criteria for evaluating HR technology solutions Here are some key areas to consider when evaluating technology solutions. Functional coverage First and foremost, technology solutions should be able to do what you need done. You should not have to compromise on your strategy to conform to system limitations. If a solution cannot really handle your needs, scan the market to see if there is an alternative that is a better fit for your needs. Integration capabilities Seamless integration with existing systems is crucial for data consistency and efficient workflows. HR professionals should prioritize technology solutions that support interoperability. Scalability and global compatibility Large organizations must choose solutions that are scalable to accommodate their size and adaptable to meet global complexities and diverse compliance requirements. Global compatibility supports consistency in HR practices across different regions. User experience and accessibility A user-friendly interface and accessibility across devices are critical considerations. HR technology should be intuitive for users globally, promoting widespread adoption and engagement. And remember that part of the user experience is delivering real value to the end users. Data security and compliance Given the sensitivity of HR data, security features and compliance with data protection regulations should be paramount. Robust security measures safeguard against data breaches and ensure confidentiality. Vendor expertise and support Every solution has people behind it who create, implement, update, and support it. Even the most intuitive systems need support to keep the technology improving and advancing, look for expertise and a commitment to innovation. Comparing HR suites and best-of-breed solutions It is often tempting to try to rely on your core HR suite to handle most or all of your HR software needs. However, the benefit of a single source supplier is limited compared to the possible benefits of a best-of-breed approach. Limitations of HR suites Some of the common problems encountered when trying to stretch an HR suite to cover every need include: Lack of specialization. Comprehensive HR suites often provide a generalist approach, attempting to cover a broad spectrum of HR functions. While this may be suitable for some organizations, it can result in a lack of depth for specialized functions like compensation management and performance management. Slower innovation. The sheer size and complexity of comprehensive suites can sometimes lead to slower adaptation to emerging technologies and industry trends. The bureaucratic processes involved may hinder the swift integration of innovative solutions that could benefit the organization. Complex implementation. Implementing extensive HR suites can be intricate and resource-intensive, requiring substantial time and effort. The complexity of these systems may lead to challenges in user adoption and ongoing maintenance. Advantages of a best-of-breed HR tech approach What is driving companies to seek best-of-breed solutions within their HR tech stack? Some reasons include: Specialization. Best-of-breed solutions excel in specific HR functions, providing advanced features and customization options tailored to the organization's unique needs. This specialization ensures that each component of the HR tech stack is functionally rich and optimized for maximum efficiency. Faster innovation. Specialized providers often innovate more rapidly, adapting to industry trends and technological advancements with agility. This proactive approach allows organizations to stay at the forefront of HR technology, driving continuous improvement. Flexibility and integration. Best-of-breed solutions offer flexibility and can be seamlessly integrated with other systems. This allows organizations to build a tailored tech stack that aligns precisely with their requirements, avoiding the constraints of a one-size-fits-all solution. A best-of-breed HR technology success story One large multinational bank was facing an increasingly complex and competitive landscape including new non-traditional players, increasing regulation, artificial intelligence, and automation. These challenges made it crucial for them to attract, retain, and leverage their human capital to its fullest potential. They wanted to give employees and line managers a uniform and engaging experience, and establish a culture of continuous improvement, and so were seeking best of breed solutions for key HR processes to complement their core SAP HCM solution. beqom enabled crowdsourced real-time continuous feedback, regular check-ins, and agile goal setting, supporting managers in providing timely and helpful coaching. With pulse surveys, structured 360 feedback and insightful analytics, the solution measures the entire employee experience at every touchpoint. With beqom they can align personalized rewards with real-time performance data, as well as with feedback, skills, behavior, and goals, to provide meaningful and effective rewards. The bank was able to consolidate all compensation processes, including salary and promotion increases, short and long-term incentives, and cash awards, across more than 30 countries. And, their compensation budget can be continuously monitored as performance ratings are submitted and their cost impact calculated. All in all, it’s a real success story that shows the power of HR technology to transform an organization. Moving forward with your HR technology stack In today’s dynamic workplace, technology solutions will play a pivotal role in empowering HR professionals to deliver value for the organization. To find out how best-of-breed solutions can transform your HR processes and help you build a high-performing organization, take a positive first step and contact us at beqom. SOURCE Beqom
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    Public Insight Releases Fall Update of TalentView Solution Public Insight, a leading provider of talent management solutions, has announced the release of its Fall update for the TalentView solution. This update brings new features and enhancements designed to further support organizations in managing their talent effectively. Zip Code Analysis, LinkedIn® Data, Shift and Benefit Reporting Provide Hyper-Targeted Talent Intelligence for Recruiting and Business Development (Akron, OH) Dec. 21,2023  Public Insight announces the fall release of its TalentView job market data and analytics solution. New features and capabilities such as zip code analysis and 3D mapping, LinkedIn organizational data, and shift and benefit reporting provide a unique level of hyper-targeted talent market intelligence for recruiting and business development. Granular analysis is available for over 160 talent market metrics. The number of organizations available in employer analysis and benchmarking has increased from 400,000 to 1.7 million. TalentView insights inform and justify recruiting decisions and influence hiring manager discussions. Use cases for identifying prospective companies to target, expanding product/service offerings, benchmarking, competitive intelligence and content development support business development strategies. Key Feature Highlights of the Fall Update of TalentView Zip Code Analysis and 3D Mapping – Job postings can now be analyzed at the zip code level generating more targeted regional insights for posting volume, turnover, supply and demand, and compensation. Job postings were previously analyzed at the metro (CBSA) level. This level of targeting will help inform sourcing strategies and improve ability to fill jobs. 3D mapping provides a quick, visual way to understand posting activity by specific locations. In the example below, nurse posting volumes and reposting rates in CA are analyzed over time. LinkedIn Organization Data – The addition of LinkedIn data increases the number of organizations in TalentView reporting to 1.7 million. Indeed® and Glassdoor® company data for postings and reviews/ratings has been mapped to LinkedIn organizations. These organizations cover 95% of job posting activity in the U.S. In addition to the posting volume, supply and demand, time-to-fill and compensation analysis available by employer in TalentView, LinkedIn data provides more volume, depth and details to employer analysis. This enhances the ability to do targeted employer selection, analysis and benchmarking. Organizational reporting now includes specialty tags, multiple locations, LinkedIn follower counts and more. Reports include LinkedIn profile and company website links. Employer Analysis Use Cases TalentView insights have several use cases for sales, account management, recruiting, benchmarking, competitive intelligence and content development: Target prospective companies by company size, type and location for business development Add insights to expand product/service offering and increase revenue Justify recruiting decisions and prepare for hiring manager discussions Share client/competitor/market insights and trends with clients Utilize employer insights as content for recruitment marketing and social media Benchmark employer job/talent market KPIs over time and against competitors and the industry (including employer brand and DEI ratings) Utilize employer, competitor and industry benchmarks to supplement HR/Executive reporting Utilize employer, competitor and industry benchmark in new business pitches Analyze who and where competitors are hiring to understand their growth strategies and direction Shift and Benefit Reporting – Analysis and reports for job posting volumes, supply/demand and compensation can be created at the shift, schedule and benefit category levels. This capability is beneficial for companies and solution providers that recruit candidates that work in job shifts or schedules, such as those in healthcare, manufacturing and transportation. Benefits reporting provides a more holistic understanding of competitive job postings and trends related to new benefit offerings. In the example below, nurses’ compensation is analyzed by shift over time. Ad Indicators – Advertising indicators from Indeed job postings are now captured and analyzed. These include: Sponsored Ad, Quick Apply and Fair Chance Job. Sponsored ads can help identify which companies have job titles that may need to be filled more quickly and have budget to spend on filling them. Quick Apply jobs may indicate a company doesn’t have an ATS or may need recruitment marketing services. Fair Chance Jobs could be a competitive advantage for companies recruiting alternative sources of candidates and it is helpful to see these trends over time. Integrated KPI Reporting – Analyze over 160 KPI metrics easily and quickly using the new visualization with integrated tables and KPI metrics. In the example below, registered nurse posting volumes, reposting rates, compensation, and urgency rates are analyzed over time by simply clicking on the table row. “This release enables our most targeted and granular level of analysis yet to report on 160 talent market metrics,” explains Dan Quigg, Public Insight Chief Executive Officer. “Several new features were customer driven, which is yet another indicator of market demand for hyper-targeted talent market intelligence for decision making,” adds Quigg. About TalentView TalentView integrates and transforms jobs, talent and labor market data from Indeed®, Glassdoor®, LinkedIn® and government agency publications into strategic insights. Hyper-targeted market intelligence helps solution providers with business development and practitioners to inform and justify recruiting decisions. TalentView market insights are provided via reports and dashboards in our analytics platform and data integration with third party applications. SOURCE Public Insight